My Dandeli Trip

Rangers Camp

(53 Reviews)
Best Price Guarantee!
Delicious Homemade Food to suit your palatte
A Peaceful & Unique Stay

Dandeli Rangers Camp has an in-house restaurant. This hotel in Dandeli is located at a distance of 8 Km from Kali River and 7 Km away from Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary. There are 40 rooms spread across 4 floors that offer comfortable accommodation. Guest can avail room amenities like bottled drinking water, a wardrobe, welcome amenity and wake-up calls on request.The attached bathroom has free toiletries. This hotel in Dandeli has travel counter, safari, garden, luggage storage and paid airport transportation.

Most popular facilities

  • Free parking

  • Family rooms

  • Living Area

  • Dining area

  • Parking

  • Internet

  • Bathroom

  • Outdoor dining area

  • Balcony

  • Garden

Package Details

Day 1

Check In Homestay fresh up to explore property have Lunch go for water activities like Boating,kayaking, Jacuzzi Bath. Come back to property explore property , play some games like Archery and cycling around property. Have Dinner with Fire Camp. river rafting and zipline depends on pacakge

Day 2

Get up early morning go for Nature Walk exploring nature and watching birds around Dandeli forest. Have Breakfast get ready for site seeing like crocodile park, eco park, syntheri rocks, supa dam and ,back water and more

How to check availability of the property?

You can call owner +91 89518 37510 or Whatsapp to this number to enquire about availability

How to Book the homestay in dandeli ?

Once you confirm the availability and price. We will send you all details over email and you can confirm your reservation by making advance payment of 30% once we receive the payment by google pay or phone pay you will get an confirmation email or whatsapp message. You will get all details about your package and details along with location direction in the email. Remaining 70% of your booking amount you should pay during checkin at the property itself.

Is taxi/cab or 2wheeler service available?

If you need taxi/cab or 2wheeler in Dandeli we can provide this at reasonable price. Price for Taxi/Cab starts from Rs 2000/ 2wheeler 500/ price vary depending upon the requirement.

Best offer for you

Book now for this offer.
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Got a Question?

Do not hesitate to give us a call. We are an expert team and we are happy to talk to you.

+91 89518 37510 09:00am ~ 07:30pm

Frequent Questions

Located over the River Kali in, Dandeli River boating is among the best in the entire country. ... The Dandeli boating adventure may sound like its dangerous, but is very safe and open for non-swimmers as well.

you can book into the, you can ask the management about the various adventure activities you can enjoy.

Yes they can there will be well trained specialized guide instructors in boat

Boating is done in ganesh gudi which is approximately 25 km from dandeli bus stand

Boasting in dandeli cost around 100 rupes per person the boating will be for 30 min

Zip line cost around 400 per person in dandeli

Zip line length will be 500 mtr

Yes its safe . Before you engage in the zipline in dandeli , you will be given a short briefing. Your instructors will also provide you with all necessary equipment like life jackets and helmets.

Kayaking Water Activities Will Be In Laguna Water Sports, AQUA WOODS ,kali water activity ,Bison River Resort ,White Water ,Rafting At Dandeli ,Hornbill Adventure Zone ,Adventure zone dandeli

yes, kayaking is easy.
